Through the quieting of our minds and connection to our bodies through our breath,
we can begin to create the sacred space necessary to bring about transformation.



Yoga means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. In Sanskrit, the word ‘yoga’ is used to signify any form of connection or unification of mind, spirit and body. Yoga is both a state of connection and a body of techniques that allows us to fully connect to ourselves and to others. The Spiritual Yoga offered at FreedOhm Wellness is based in spiritual transformation rather than from a “physical fitness” perspective.



The consistent practice of yoga & meditation facilitates balance and health and unlocks our dormant potential (our Kundalini), allowing us to be more aware of ourselves and feel more connected, empowered and alive. Essentially, yoga is a transformative process of self-discovery that leads us to self-mastery and self-realization.


Mental & Spiritual

There are many powerful mental and spiritual benefits that result from a consistent yoga practice. These include a significant decrease in stress, anxiety and depression and an increase in self-esteem, confidence and self-awareness. However, this is just the beginning. With consistent practice, yoga naturally encourages self-awareness, self-care and self-love, ultimately fostering a deeper connection to one’s self and to others.


Physical Benefits

Start with the mind and the body will follow. Although yoga is primarily a practice of the mind and spirit, some of the physical benefits of yoga include increased flexibility and muscle strength; improved respiration, energy and vitality; weight reduction; cardio and circulatory health and an increase in your body's immunity.  Our yoga offering is rooted in the mind and the spirit first with the understanding that “as the mind, so the body”.



Book Your Yoga Session

FreedOhm Wellness offers several styles of yoga, from Hatha and Vinyasa to Yin and Trauma Informed yoga. Each session is tailored to our clients specific needs. Christine guides her clients  privately through sequences that are tailored to meet a variety of physical abilities (from beginner to advanced) and are designed to align the mind, and spirit with the body — bringing clients to a place of stillness. Knowing that it is from here that we tap into our greatest potential.